1 min read

How to find time to rest [The Rest Pockets Strategy]

You need to rest, but can't find the time for a break?

Here's what to do:If you work, have a family and a social life, you probably won't find many spots for a 4 week "finding yourself" vacation to Bali.

Good thing is -> you don't need to.You just need to implement "rest pockets" in your day.

Throughout your day, you have a bunch of 5-30 minute gaps between tasks.

  • Between sales calls
  • waiting on your kid to come out of school
  • wind down between the end of your workday & rejoining your family
  • running from the cops after bombing

During these periods, we usually just sit on our phone or fill it with b.s. work.

Instead of that, use the time to rest intentionally.

  • nap
  • read
  • do nothing at all

At first, hustle conditioning will make it hard to sit still. But do it enough times and you'll find you can relieve a good amount of stress in a much shorter amount of time than you thought.

Some of my best meditations have been >10 minutes long!

But the bigger point from from this simple exercise?

It will be a paradigm shift for your values.

The rest will be so energizing for your work, that you'll hunt for more pockets throughout your day.

Soon, you'll realize how much wasted time fills your day.

  • Scrolling LinkedIn
  • responding asap to emails you don't need to
  • doing "branding" for fake projects etc.

Time spent being busy but getting nothing done.

But now, you're conscious of it.

And you'll have the courage to go against hustle anxiety and cut that sh!t out. 🔥