2 min read

are you too tired to film videos?

Hey guys.

I made a post that did well talking about camera fatigue. So, I thought I'd expand upon that topic more here.

It doesn't matter how much you shoot content, talking to a lens is tiring. It WILL get to you at some point. No way around it.

And after a long day working, the last thing you want to do is plan, shoot edit content. That's ass.

However, like any other skill, you can train to go hours with ease.

Let's break down the 3 methods to boost your vitality & last longer (on camera):


Batching is the single best way to get a ton of content in a short amount of time.

Basically, you figure out if you want a month's worth or a week's worth.

Then, use the 10x10 method and plan out 100 video ideas. Or ask your followers for questions.

Then, pick a day where you can have 2-4 hours of undivided focus and record. Do not do this right after a hellish day at a 9-5 or 12hr shift launching a new product.

During this shoot, do not try to get everything done in 1 shot.

Instead, shoot in 20-30 minute blocks. No matter if you're in the "flow", chill for 5 minutes. This break is crucial. It will help reset your mind, relax your voice & keep you focused.

2. Fix your Inputs

Before you shoot check in on yourself.

Are you hydrated? If not, 24oz of drink water.

Are you tired? 20 minute nap.

Are you anxious? Eat something, do some pushups & be sure you know wtf you're talking about.

It's way easier to go longer when you're filming at 100%.

3. Simple setup

Don't shoot with a setup you need to build up/tear down every time.

You'll burn a bunch of energy setting up lights & mics. Which means you'll never want to make content.

Instead, do 1 of 2 things:

  1. Make a corner in your house purely for content production. Lights, camera, mic, the whole kit...and just leave it there.
  2. If you're trying to stay leaner, just get something like this and use your phone.

The less friction you encounter = the more content you'll get out of a single recording session.

Simple maths.

Now, time to shill.

If you want to start making quality videos without stress, wasted time & directionless bullsh!t, then get my mini course Simple Social Videos.

It's helped 100+ people plan, shoot, edit & post video content for social media growth.

The first step to building the content presence of your dreams.

>>> Get it here, people <<<